Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Launderdal and beyond - 14 Jan 2025

 Today we are walking from Lauderdale along the coastal tracks and back with no definitive goal.

The weather is forecast to be overcast and cool so not a bad day for walking.

 We start from the South Arm Road end of the Lauderdale Canal which because it is high tide the canal is full of water.

However the low tide creates a problem when we arrive on Lauderdale Beach because we will have to leave the beach for a short while to avoid the high tide.

Back on the beach after a diversion along the foreshore.

Someone has constructed an artistic piece with broken bricks and a fine bit of sandstone to set of the piece.

There were a number of shells washed up on the beach.

Today's leader did not take into account the tide tables so there were a few wet feet trying to get the start off the track of Lauderdale Beach over to Mays Beach.

The fading life in this fungi.

"If I stick my head under this branch the bloke with camera won't see me."

Looking back along Mays Beach.

An Eleven Armed Seastar washed up on the beach.

Off the beach and walking towards Cremorne.

Continuing south along the Clarence Coastal Trail.

A very fancy caterpillar eating grass seeds.

We decided we have traveled far enough and started to return to the cars.

You will notice that the leader planned the tide for walk back.

The remains of an old jetty on Lauderdale Beach.

Greeted by a flock of ducks on our return to the Canal with the water level dropping with the outgoing tide.


There were 12 walkers who covered the 11.3 kms in just over 4 hours and climbed a total of 140 meters.

It was an enjoyable walk on a good day for walking.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Pickett Hill - 7 Jan 2025

 Today we are walking around the outskirts of Kingston starting from the car park adjoining the Kingborough Sports Centre.

The walk starts by following a track alongside  the Southern Outlet.

After passing under the Outlet we head towards Cades Rd.

We followed Cades Road until we joined the Pickett Hill Track where we had a view across the Derwent  River on a very hazy day.

Acaena (Buzzy's)  and Tasmania has seven species all natives. Lots of picking the buzzy's of our clothes during the walk.

Lunch spot with the buzzy's in the foreground.

After walking to the end of Pickett Hill track we followed Leslie Road then Parkdale Drive back to Pickett Hill which include a good view of Mount Wellington.

Heading back down towards Cades Road.

Following the Pickett Hill Track after leaving Hackforth Drive.

This section of the track was through forested land surrounded by residential properties.

Prickly Currant Bush fruit.

The Native Cherry Trees were laden with ripe fruit which distracted a number of the walking group.

Lunch spot just of the track in the shade.

Another hazy view across the river towards Opossum Bay.

After rejoining Hackford Drive we followed Old Summerleas Road and then followed Leslie Road and Roba Court before returning via the track under the outlet and back to the cars.


For our first walk in 2025 we had 13 walkers who covered 11.6 kms over 4 hours and 20 minutes.

All agreed it was a good introduction to 2025.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Blackmans Bay - 17 Dec 2024

 On our last walk for the year before the Xmas break we undertake a shorter walk and then retire for lunch and refreshments.

A friendly White Faced Heron checking out the local neighbourhood for a feed.

The group peering into the Blackmans Bay Blowhole.

Unfortunately no fuming water as the wind is blowing offshore.

Strolling along towards Blackmans Bay Beach.

Having strolled the length of the beach we continue up the hill on the track in front of the houses.

Looking down the coast towards Bruny Island.

Looking across towards Opossum Bay.

A slow climb from the end lookout.

The question was asked "How does one get to that secluded little spot".

A catamaran heading out towards Storm Bay.

A view across Storm Bay with the edge of the Tasman Peninsular in the distance.

A pleasant short walk of about 5 kms for the group of 21 before retiring for our Xmas lunch.