This weeks walk was to the top of Pelverata Falls from the end of Van Morey Rd. Margate, with a side trip to Slippery Falls.
We were led by Bob who explored the route a while ago - alone.
Typical weather, blowing a gale with shower predictions and cool temperature.
The road up to the boundary of Snug Tiers is fine for regular cars, but to get to the parking area a 4wd is recommended for the ground clearance alone. I had thought we were going to park in the area we used a couple of times before, but Bob & Sally thought we could make it much further (saves hill climbing) so we continued on up with little problem.
Most of the walking is done on wide, mainly rocky fire trail. This area is open to 4wd enthusiasts as the state of the road shows. It wasn't too bad until the turnoff to Pelverata Falls where they left evidence of their passing.
It's been a couple of years since I was up there, and the bush has grown up quite a lot as it feels more closed in then in the past.
This is what you need to get up here. |
Must be interesting. |
Off we go. |
Lots of flowers in the bush. |
One of the 4wds that use this track? |
Marching along the main trail. |
Waratahs in the bush, we'll see them closer, later. |
Important information being passed. I wonder what it was? |
I had my camera ready, but no one fell in. |
The bush was full of flowers, but due to the high wind it was very difficult to get anything but a blurry photo.
We walked down the fire trail until the time was right for Morning Tea, which was taken on an old log bridge.
This area used to be logged and we pass an old sawmill site with just tons of old sawdust and an old boiler to show where it was. Sally mentioned she had ridden this track on her bicycle years ago when logging was in full swing. There were so many tracks in the bush you had to keep your wits about you to find the way.
Old boiler from sawmill. |
Log bridge. |
Looking back. |
Morning Tea |
On we go. |
Turn off for Pelverata Falls. |
Tea finished, we continued on to the Pelverata Falls turnoff and finally to the large cleared area where 4wd vehicles park. From here there is a track that leads down to the top of the falls, which is quite flat. The falls that is, not the track. There was some water flowing, just enough so the wind coming up the cliff could whip up a little spray.
I didn't get close to the edge as the rocks were wet and slippery.
Haven't they had fun in their 4wds. |
The view's opening up as we get near to the descent to the falls. |
Looking down at the top of the falls. Not much water. |
Looking back at the creek bed. |
A little water comes in from the side. |
Some others come down to join me. |
That dark patch left of centre is Slippery Falls |
Ron wonders how we're going to get there. |
Not everyone walked down to the falls, but those that did enjoyed the view.
Returning to the rest of the group at the top, we found the start of the track to Slippery Falls. This wasn't really a track, but was marked by orange tape, some old blue tape here and there, and good old sturdy cairns.
I actually felt happier bush bashing then pounding along a fire trail. There's some pushing through vegetation, lots of fallen trees to cross over, under and around. Large ants nest to avoid and rocks to climb down.
Slippery Falls, as we saw from across the valley, had little water in it, but did provide a suitable location for lunch. A drizzle had started a short while before but didn't last long as the Sun came out again - briefly.
Start of the Slippery Falls track. I didn't realize I caught Richard in mid rant. Something about too many photos? |
Now we start to push through. |
Lots of flowers, though. |
This is how we navigate. Look for the ribbons, here's one. |
Now find the next ribbon. |
Make sure to take time out to look at the flowers. |
Now we're starting down to find the falls. |
Just started to drizzle, but it won't last. |
We're near the top end of the valley. |
Addie thought this looked like a cave across the valley, so I took a telephoto shot. |
Pelverata Falls from a distance, you can just make out a small stream of water coming over. |
Top of Slippery Falls, not nearly as steep as Pelverata Falls which is over 100 metres. |
Lunch at the top. |
Sally wishes she had her bicycle with her. |
Looking back up Slippery Creek. |
Mt. Wellington. (Of course). |
Looking over the top edge of Slippery Falls. |
On our way back up. |
A little colour. |
Going back up the trip seemed shorter, but with the same obstacles. After reaching the top, we retraced our route back to the cars.
Clematis and a manfern on the way back. |
I managed to get ahead of everyone, so here are a couple of full-frontals. |
The old saw mill site. |
Remember those Waratahs from the begining? |
Braving reptiles, I got you a closer look. |
I saw one snake that Julie had pointed out, and some of the others had seen another. While climbing back from Slippery Falls, I saw something out of the corner of my eye disappear from just beside my foot. I put it down as a lizard, but who knows?
The weather was better on the way back, but it is a long slog.
This was a good walk and I'm glad to have seen Slippery Falls, something I've wanted to do for a long time.
We had 13 walkers and covered 14.16km in 5 hours. A word about distance, I carry a GPS tracker and I run an app on my phone that does the same as backup. There was a .06km difference between them.
That ends this term of U3A, but of course we keep walking and I've put our schedule courtesy of Tas on the Current Walk Schedule tab.
Click here to download GPX file