Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Tolmans Hill - Waterworks - 28 Jan 2025

We are starting the walk from Woodridge Place and walking down through the houses on Tolmans Hill before entering the walkway to Dynnryne.

The group stopped just past this spot and spent some time discussing the earthworks on the other side of the Southern Outlet and ended up deciding the new subdivision was not where they would want to live.

A bit of Americana  tied up to our port in the form of a Disney Cruise boat complete with Mickey Mouse Ears on the funnels.

Leaving the houses passing a stunning eucalypts.

Walking along the top of the climbing quarry on Waterworks Road.

One of our walkers found the birds nest on the forest floor with the maker using all the materials available including blue plastic tape from degraded tarpaulins.

Descending towards Waterworks Road.

The bridge across Sandy Bay Rivulet on Romilly Street. The last time we crossed the workmen were just starting to paint it and it now looks quite attractive.

Walking along the Sandy Bay Rivulet Track.

A very large Dianella fruit.

The normal looking fruit.

Experiencing a small rain shower that past over us while looking at the Waterworks.

First view of Mt Wellington for the day.

We arrived at Gentle Annie Falls.

I have included a photo taken by my father in the 1920's when he visited his sister in Hobart. 
You can see the amount of water that used to run down the falls before it was all put underground in pipes and also how much it is overgrown. It would be good if the authorities in charge would remove some of the foliage so we could better view the work undertaken to make the channel down the rock face.

Climbing up towards the top of Gentle Annie Falls.

Some of the group stopped for lunch below the top of the falls and others stopped at the top.

Lunch over we are of towards McDermotts Fire trail.

The eucalypts looking great with sun shining through.

The head of the group seem to not know which track to take from here.

Unfortunately for them it was the one going up leading to the Tolmans Hill that took us back to our cars.

We had 13 walkers who travelled 8.8 Kms and climbed descended 300 meters and climbed up a further 330 meters.

The weather was kind and everyone enjoyed the walk.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Lion Rock - 21 Jan 2025

Our walk today is from Cockle Creek to Lion Rock via the South Coast Track and return.

The weather was forecast for mid 20s and a clear day but we arrived to low cloud and 17 degrees but that looks like a more comfortable walking weather.

We start out from the National Parks Carpark at Cockle Creek.

Cockle Creek at low tide.

Taking turns cleaning our boots before the start of the track.

Leptospermum scoparium - Tea-tree - Manuka

Blandifordia punicea  Christmas bells.

The initial part of the track climbs a small hill before descending onto an open plain.

Stylidium graminifolium Grass Triggerplant.

Lomatia polymorpha.

A small intact birds egg lying beside the track.

Getting closer to the coast the track enters a rainforest area with  lots of ferns and a couple of small creeks.

Climbing to the top of the coast.

A panoramic view from South East Cape to South Cape.

Looking along the coast to Lion Rock.

Lion Rock from the beach.

The view being photographed by Michael.

Or could it be Elephant Rock.

 Lunch on the rocks in front of Lion Rock.

Walking back into the rainforest.

The boardwalk back to the cars that makes up a half of the walking surface.

Patersonia glauca  - Short Purple Iris.

The first fungi of the day.

Another small remnant rainforest before the last hill.

A small round fungi hiding in the undergrowth.

The last hill.

Nearly back.

Cockle Creek filling up with the incoming tide. 

We had 9 walkers who covered the 18 kms in 5.5 hours and climbed a total of 180 meters.

An enjoyable although long walk with the weather making it a very pleasant day out.