Wednesday 10 December 2014

Lauderdale and Roches Beach 2014

Today we were going to repeat a walk from last year at Lauderdale. It was supposed to be a challenge between the human brain and technology.

 That is to say, I had loaded the GPS track from the last time onto a hand held GPS and would tell the group where to go. In the nicest possible way, that is.
Plan A
Plan B

Plan C

 We kept to the original walk with no problem - except when Bob tried to lead me astray when we were starting down the canal path.

The weather started out great and went down hill within a couple of hours. The walk itself is flat with a slight climb up Richardsons Hill.
Nice and sunny when we started.

Coming up to South Arm Rd.

The weather starts to build over Mt. Wellington.

Heading towards the Ralphs Bay Canal.

Turning down the canal path, we headed for Morning Tea in the shelters at the end.
Heading down THE WRONG SIDE of the canal, courtesy of Bob.

Looking down the canal towards the Roches Beach end.
 Ralphs Bay Canal was started in 1914, but work stopped for WWI, It recommenced in 1924, but encountered many problems with storms, silting, etc. and was never opened.
Serious discussion.

Morning Tea site.

After the break we walked up Bayview Rd. to find an opening to pick up the Tangara Trail. This leads us across Racecourse Flats, which is home to a couple of broadcast antennas. Walking between houses we found a council crew busy cutting the long grass. They cheerfully told us about all the snakes they saw on the Flats.

Up Bayview Rd.

Across the Flats with antennas in distance.

Looks very dry as usual.

Wellington is nearly gone, hidden by cloud.

Local out for a walk. Eastern Blue-tongued skink

My boot for scale.

Now we're on the other side of Racecourse Flats.

Heading for Richardsons Hill.

The last time we walked here, we climbed the hill and picked up a street at the end of the path. Unfortunately, a very tall chain link fence and locked gates have been built across there, blocking the way.

We were on the wrong side to read the signs and had to retrace our steps back down and take another route to the beach.

I've had a look on Google Maps street view, but this fence isn't there at the time of the photo, only an unlocked farm gate.

This put paid to the contest, and we all followed Bob, as usual.

We found our way back to the Roches Beach, and continued down to a little park for lunch where some of us cast their dignity aside!

Richardsons Hill

Single Hill at other end of beach.

It seems to be true that you only get so old before starting to regress!

Irene joins in.

The others have a sedate lunch.

The rest of us sitting at a child's table. Fitting.

After lunch, heading down the beach to return to the cars.

It was a good walk, shame about the blockage but there must be a way through somewhere.

We started out with 12 walkers, picked up another and lost 4 later on. I should say, they had other things to do. They're not still out there.

 We covered 11km in 3:25.

Click here to download GPX file

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