Wednesday 12 August 2015

Sports Centre to Summerleas Road 2015

Today is a local walk from the Kingborough Sports Centre to Summerleas Rd. If you look at the map you will see that this would take about a minute and a half. Keep in mind though, Bob is leading us.

We park in the overflow car park opposite the sports centre and Bob informs us there are no hills (just a slope) with a small creek to cross.

We start off climbing up a small bank and crossing a drainage ditch which leads me to inquire if these are the two features of the walk, but receive a negative reply. It was worth a try.

Striding off into the unknown

Many wide tracks which run behind and around homes

Looking back at Kingston and the Derwent

Best place for snow, Mt. Wellington

The track leads around and heads for a underpass beneath the Huon Highway. It's horse country which explains the width.

Turning right on the other side of the highway, we come to Roba Court which leads down to Leslie Rd. Turning right again we walk down past properties on the left until we reach Summerleas Rd. where we go left again.

Turning up Hackford Drive, we reach the junction with Jacobsons Place and the Picket Hill Track. Off we go up the muddy track.

We've gone under the Huon Highway and are almost at Roba Court

Wellington seems a bit closer

We're soon to go cross country

The start of the Picket Hill Track. Enjoy smiling while you can, Addie, it will be a while before you feel like doing it again!

It's a bit muddy, but not bad

We continue up the track until it begins to level off for a while.

Tas admiring a dead plant (plant mortuis)

We pass a property with some loud dogs - we made their day -and look for a Morning Tea spot. We decide to stop where we've been in the past as it has a nice long log.

After tea we walk up Cades Drive and pick up the track again

We walk past the junction with the Leslie Vale Track, and continue on down hill to a fire trail.

Where the track meets the fire trail, Bob waits to help the ladies. Addie can fend for himself

Peggy tries to outfox him, but Bob is onto her tricks

Jean very kindly gave me a hand down

Going right, we walk a short distance to where an unmarked track heads down. It seems to be used quite a bit, but the end of it is on private land so we go into stealth mode as we get nearer the creek.

Turning off onto the unmarked track

Here we become stealthy

This track leads down to our promised creek crossing, over Fawcett Rivulet. I notice as I type this and look at the Listmap of the area, this little track is marked, but has no name.

When we reach the rivulet, I take up my position ready for any great photos that might be taken. No one falls in, though.

Crossing Fawcett Rivulet

The track on the other side is quite muddy and leads up to a private road. There are at least three properties that have access along this unnamed road. When we reach the top we go right and walk along parallel to the rivulet.

Up the muddy track...

...onto the unnamed road

Addie pointed these out to me

Fawcett Rivulet

It's an easy walk and comes out onto Summerleas Rd.

Reaching Summerleas Rd. we go right and start up Old Summerleas Rd. On the way we pass a property with a couple of Golden Retrievers who are desperate to meet Bob.

I would have thought they had enough of the real animals

Old Summerleas Rd. leads us back to Hackford Drive, and we retrace our steps to a lunch spot at the reservoir off Kingston View Drive. We've been here in the past.

Leslie Rd. Not often I'm this far in front

The lunch spot view

Now, if you remember my photo of last week (Seven Mile Beach to Lauderdale Circuit 2015) of cormorants on a rock, just have a look at the photo below.

A group of cormorants is known as a 'flight'. Is this a 'march' of walkers? Perhaps it should be a 'ramble' of walkers to go with the title of the blog site.
Sue asked me if anyone was eating fish. I was! Tuna fish.

Jean pointed out some triplets on a nearby property, so I took a photo.

Aren't they cute!
Just brings thoughts of gravy, roast potatoes and peas into my head.

During lunch Bob asked Tas if he wanted to extend the walk - we thought we'd walked around 10km. My odometer app on my phone hadn't started properly, but I did think we had walked farther then 0.096km.

Much discussion was going on while we were getting our packs on, until we realized the ladies  were voting with their feet. Discussion ended!

Voting with their feet
Never mind, it was a good walk and a cool breeze was just starting so it was a good time to finish.

We had 12 Walkers and covered 11.09km in 3:31hrs.

Click here to download GPX file

Click here to view animated track 

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget the mint sauce! I loved the animated walk, great stuff!
    Too many exclamation marks!!!!! Are never enough!
