Friday 13 August 2021

Wielangta Forest 10 Aug 2021

 The walk today started at the picnic area in the Sandspit River Conservation Area and for the majority of the walk followed the Sandspit River. Bob was leading the walk which was another new walk for the group.

 Everyone getting ready to start the walk.

At the commencement of the walk with everyone reading the information about the area.


Stereum Ostrea ??

The initial part of the walk followed what we believe have been a slide track for getting the fallen timber of the steep slope to the tramway closer to the river.

Gaestrum Triplex - Earth Star

The boys spent a bit of time trying to determine firstly how the vehicle remains got to where it was and what type of car it might have been. Consensus on the make was probably a 1950's Morris but how it got there was anyone's guess.

Lunch spot on a clear section of the track.

We have just left the steeper part of the track and are now on the tram way proper.

The track passes through some thick rainforest and a number of stands of man ferns.

Crossing the Sandspit River.

Our good samaritan walker helping everyone across so there were no wet feet.

An interesting spiders web but no spider in sight.

The walk was relatively flat this point and pleasant although a little wet and muddy.

First glimpse of the Sandspit River beside the track.

Apparently the track had been closed previously because of this landside.

In this section the river views and sounds make for a pleasant walk.

A recently cut branch removed from across the track. We noted that track clearing had occurred recently.

The group looking for comfortable lunch seating at the end of the track which connects back to the Wielangta Forest Road. 

This area was where the small sawmilling town was located for about 15 years in the early 1900's when the timber was processsed and then transported to Rheban by rail for shipping to the markets. 

There is little remains of the industry and village that was located at this spot.

 And now for the return to the cars.

Recrossing the river on the return walk.

This was an enjoyable walk in an area that we have not undertaken walks previously.

There were 15 walkers who covered 8kms in 3 hours.

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