Wednesday 16 October 2024

Cascade Rd - Strickland Avenue -10 Oct 2024

 Our walk starts at the car park adjacent to Cascade Brewery climbing the Cascade Track and then following the Middle Island Fire Trail descending off a side trail to Strickland Avenue and Strickland Falls until taking the Rivulet Track back to Cascade.

With the weather forecast favorable it should be a pleasant walk on Lower  Mount Wellington.

The group leaving the car park.

 The forest is fairly open in this section with not many views to be had.

But a number of small creeks crossings as we climb.

Signs that Spring has arrived with lots of new fern fronds alongside the track.

A few obstacles.


A photographer should never hand over the camera.

Morning tea spot.

The climbing has not quite finished for the day.

At this point when the trail had levelled out a bit a comment was heard along the lines of " this is much more pleasant walking, thanks Ron".

Chiloglottis triceratops - Three Horned Bird Orchid.

Some open green space makes for pleasant walking after the fire trail.

Heading off the fire trail down towards Strickland Avenue.

The picnic area next to Strickland Falls is the chosen lunch spot.

Strickland Falls.

Looking back from the Falls.

Three of our wise walkers overseeing lunch.

Lunch over we start descending on the Rivulet Track.

In some places is has been badly eroded. We were glad that the ground was dry and not wet and slippery.

Caladenia catenata, commonly known as white caladenia, white fingers and/or lady's fingers,

Walking along behind houses on lower Strickland Avenue.

An Echidna hiding from us in an old tree stump.

Happy faces as the cars are in sight.

There were 18 walkers who covered just under 10kms in 4 hours and 20 mins and climbed 340 meters in the process.

Thanks to Ron for leading this walk.

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