Today is the last walk for 2016 and we're going to Pelverata Falls led by Bob.
The weather's not bad, good temperature for walking. We had a surprise at the car park at the end of Crosswells Road, I suppose the old farm has been subdivided as a large amount of bulldozing has taken place with new cleared areas and a new road plowed back into the bush. This wipes out part of the track into the falls, but a convenient sign has been placed to guide walkers.
Parking area end of Crosswells Road |
A little bit of bush at the start... |
...takes you to this... |
...and a convenient sign pointing towards the track |
The new road leads to this along with new power lines |
We're just about to pick up the old track |
Looking back |
I assume it says "Vinces Trail" |
This area has been logged in the past and must have contained some very large trees, all gone now. It gets better, however.
The old logging road |
Looks like someone's home |
Well, we're not lost yet! |
The area is becoming dry very rapidly |
I think that's Square Hill |
The track begins to narrow |
It's easy walking through the bush and there are some sights to see.
For some reason this reminded me of Donald Trump |
Thick and with funny hair. Enough of politics, we continue on past remains of earlier times.
These stumps, blackened from past fires, contain slots where springboards were wedged for the cutters to climb up |
A more recent fall with a larger slot for walkers |
You can see we're walking across a steep slope |
Soon, we come to a rock field and you have to take more care as you go.
Crossing the scree slope |
Looking at the head of the valley |
You can just make out the dark patch that is water running down from Slippery Falls which is opposite Pelverata Falls. The track becomes more interesting now, with large rocks to climb over and some areas where a certain part of your anatomy is hanging over an abyss.
Looking across the valley |
This requires both hands and feet |
It's not very apparent, but this track will take you to the top of the falls |
Closer view of Slippery Falls |
There's enough water to make a slightly darker patch on the rocks
The track soon makes a steep descent to a viewing platform which gives a view of Pelverata Falls. There is a small amount of water flowing which gives you an idea. The falls is around 114 metres in height.
Pelverata Falls |
Closeup of the top of the falls |
Cliffs that lead around to Slippery Falls |
We had Morning Tea on and around the viewing platform. That's a story I'd like to hear, how the platform was built and how materials were brought in.
While standing there and looking around, Ron asked "What's that yellow thing up there?" It took a bit of looking but than I caught sight of it and it looked for all the world like a rubbish bin halfway down the cliff.
I've circled it above. We assumed it could only be a fallen rock, and it does indeed appear to be that in a telephoto shot.
Tea finished, we start back towards the cars.
There is some blossom about, but no orchids as yet. We live in hope.
Looking down at Pelverata Creek at the base of the falls |
There's a rough track down to that point which I've not done yet. Next time.
Closer view of cliff top |
We've reached a point where civilization is in view |
You don't want to slip here |
Looking back |
We're back in the bush again |
We continue on, passing many interesting things.
The differing shades of green catch your eye |
The only fungus I could find |
About now, the column stopped. I heard mutterings from the front, something about photographer, so I pushed my way forward.
This is the only encounter with wildlife all day, so I've recorded it below.
Not sure what it was eating on top of the log.
Fun over, we continue on. There many things in the bush that interest many people.
A bryologist would be interested in this |
Botanists might be interested in this |
Bob certainly would be interested in this! (It's an orchid, bird orchid?) |
A forester and/or historian could be interested |
Last but not least, something for a plumber |
We've arrived back to farmland and are but a short way from the parking area.
No doubt left behind by loggers |
Old workers huts |
Some hope for the future |
We drive down the road and have our lunch in the garden of one of our former walkers, Peter.
Peter raises fantastic vegetables, especially garlic.
Peter's vegetable garden |
This doesn't take into account all the fruit and nut trees plus berries around.
View over the road |
We had 15 walkers and had a good day. Many thanks to Peter for allowing us to invade his garden for lunch.
We covered 6.34km in 2:38hrs. Quite an enjoyable walk.
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