Wednesday 25 September 2024

Caves Hill - 24 Sep 2024

Today's walk will be from Belbins Road to Caves Hill via firetrails and bike tracks through the Meehan Range.

After a week of really windy weather the forecast today is for light winds and possible sunshine.

The group was keen to get underway.

One of the large eucalypts at the start of the walk.

Not long into the walk we came across the first orchid of the day a Nodding Greenhood.

Spring flowers are starting to come out. Indigofera Australia, Australian Indigo

Seating supplied for morning tea, fortunately no bikes arrived while we were settled in.

Obviously some of the group had not quite finished their morning tea.

We then came across quite a large area of the forest that had suffered severe wind damage over the last week with many trees both small and large either blown over completely of broken off 15-20ft above ground level.

Where we could access the track in this area without any fallen trees it is quite well made.

Looking across Rosny towards Sandy Bay.

Clematis aristata 

Some one had built a Flintstone Style chair constructed from eucalypt logs which made a very comfortable resting spot on the climb up to Flagstaff Hill.

Looking across towards Midway Point.

More wind damage to a very large tree on the top of Flagstaff Hill.

Mt Direction in the foreground. There were some discussions amongst the group on possible other ways to access the top of the local landmark.

Looking across Midway Point towards Lauderdale.

Across the airport and towards Tasman Peninsular.

Mt Wellington.

The cairn on Flagstaff Hill at 379 metres.

Lunch with a view.

Including over Geilston Bay.

Down the track off Flagstaff Hill.

On the main fire trail back towards the cars.

Comesperma volubile commonly known as Love Creeper.

Bossiaea cinerea  Showy Bossiaea


The 16 walkers covered the 10.8 kms with 340 meters climb in 4.5 hours.

A good days walks.

Thanks Chris for his photos.

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