Sunday 2 September 2018

Cascade Gardens 2018

Today Bob is leading us around Cascade Gardens and McRobies Gully. This will give us a look at the area for the proposed cable car terminal and associated new road.

Weather forecast is for the usual rain, snow, sleet, hail and pestilence. It turned out to be a day with a sprinkle of rain, none of the rest and some sunshine.

We park in the area just off McRobies Road and, leaving our packs in the cars, set off towards downtown Hobart. This takes us past the old Female Factory of colonial times. This was actually a jail for the ladies, not somewhere where females were constructed from various bits and pieces in olden times!

Cascade Brewery at top of gardens with Mt. Wellington behind

Doesn't look right without packs
I did wear my pack as I need my camera and GPS tracker with me.

Front of the Female Factory

The Hobart Rivulet runs just to our right and was the cause of much flood damage in Hobart back in May. Not all of that damage has been repaired yet, so some of the walk is blocked off necessitating a short detour.

Collapsed wall on the rivulet...

...and the way is blocked

This would be an interesting sight if it was in full flood
After our short detour, we're back on track and heading up a steep climb as we make a loop to head back to the cars.

This loop brings us back down to the original track, and a little farther on we cross over the rivulet to start our return journey.

Old quarry

Top of the steep track, heading down again

Over the rivulet and back to the cars

Mt. Wellington
Best place for snow, up there and not down here.

We grab our packs and take the old stone steps up behind the toilets. This leads us up to a system of tracks and trails and our Morning Tea spot.

Most of the tracks don't appear on any maps I have.

Morning Tea
Tea finished, we make our way to a track leading past the Hobart Tip site.

It's not all walking and talking, you know
 Things can get rough! There are obstacles and other dangers to cope with

Oblivious to the fact I was under attack by locals!
 I stopped to take the above photo and while framing it I heard a clunk. Shortly after there was another clunk and a large plastic cup landed less then a metre from me. I was under aerial attack by one of the local seagulls. I hurried on, not sure what I did to upset it. Perhaps it thought I was pro cable car and would take away it's favourite recycling spot.

We turn off onto a smaller track ahead, leading down to a muddy path that runs parallel to a small creek at the bottom of a gully. I can't find a name for the creek.

Going down

Heading down off track

The sort of habitat that would be destroyed by a road leading to a cable car terminal higher up
 I've read misleading statements in the press about the quality of the environment here. I can only assume they've never walked here.

As the track gets lower, it gets darker and wetter. Not bad though, and is quite atmospheric, but too dark for photos. Judging from the tire tracks, many mountain bikers know about and use this track.

Starting to sprinkle
We make our way up to a firetrail as it begins to sprinkle, so several take the time to put on wet weather gear.

Knowing the principle that the more people who change, the quicker the rain will stop, I don't bother.

Rain stopped almost immediately and I'll take that as a point proven.

We're heading up the the area where a tower and terminal with parking is proposed for the cable car. If this goes ahead a number of popular walking/cycling tracks will be affected.

The proposed terminal would be just beyond the trees to our right
Leaving, we take another track down to a firetrail and the start of the Tip Top track that leads down. Another track that would be affected.

We've found our lunch spot, and the sun is out

Bob, who has been keeping an eye out for shortcut takers, shows his double standard
The rest of us have to follow the track around to where he's standing!

We leave the bike trail after a while to take others leading up and down until we find a small track leading back the way we came.

It will actually take us to Golden Gully and is a pleasant walk.

Going up

Looking back

Heading back in the direction we came from
This is a fairly level track twisting and turning until we come to a point where we go off track to head down to Golden Valley Road.

Ignoring the obvious route, we head bush
Actually, I seem to remember that the old track has a steep drop off at the end to cope with. The way we are going down, involves a small step down to the road.

Going down Golden Valley Road
Easy walking down some curves with a good view of some interesting junk collections. Private property along here.

As we get nearer the junction with Old Farm Road, we pass a cable I remember from previous walks.

Low slung cable on the left. I don't know if it's live....
...but I can see the professionals have been here since the last time
The professionally placed rock will keep the cable off the road. The end is connected to a pole on Old Farm Road.

Leaving the technology behind, we turn down Old Farm, heading towards the brewery. Bob soon takes us off to the right so we can follow an old bush track that's better than walking on the pavement. A gentleman and his wife stop and ask if we're enjoying our walk and we give an affirmative reply. He makes some comment about leeches and leaves. We didn't spot any of the repulsive little fellows, too cold for them.

Walking down Old Farm Road...

...Turning off onto an old parallel track

No idea what this refers to, not the cable car

Another obstacle conquered
On the way, Bob starts collecting sticks and advising people they will be needed when we cross the creek.

After a while we cross over Old Farm Road at a spot I remember and encounter the Guy Fawkes Rivulet. The sticks Bob gave us came in handy, and I had my camera out and prepared, but no interesting photos resulted.

I almost provide my own however, when my foot catches the far bank, but managed to avoid a dunking.

The Guy Fawkes and Hobart Rivulets join forces just behind the Cascade Brewery.

Crossing the Guy Fawkes Rivulet

Some nice, slippery stones just under the surface

Having crossed, we start up a steep, slippery and muddy slope. 

Looking back

Heading up. With care
 After a while, the track begins to level out as we continue along, heading east.

A short, easy walk brings us to another track that leads down to a smaller one that will take us back to the cars.

A smaller track leads us down a switchback to just above the car park
This was quite a good walk and the weather wasn't a problem. Thanks to Bob for leading us.

We had 12 walkers and covered 11.14km in 4:36hrs.

Click here to download GPX file

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