Tuesday 16 July 2024

Kaoota Tramway Track - 16 Jul 2024

Today's walk was meant to be around Randall's Bay down the Huon but due to the complex weather over Hobart we decided not to travel that far and instead to walk the Kaoota Tramway Track at the back of Margate.

The group getting ready to leave the new car park and hoping that the rain stays away.

The track sign.

Heading along the  recently re-constructed roadway to the start of the walk which now includes a car park.

 A happy group morning tea with everyone sending wishes to one of the group in hospital.

Heading along the track.

 Greg enjoying a ride on the tree swing that has been there for a number of years.

The first of our fungi for the day.

The first flowers for the season of the Common Heath emerging.

 The creeks are all running as a result of the heavy rain over the last couple of days giving the group lots of smiles.

The water running down the creek from the little bridge.

Back on the track.

A large waterfall a little way above the track is benefitting from the heavy rain.


The head of the waterfall.


More fungi.

Walking alongside the Man Ferns bordering the track.

And through one of the numerous railway cuttings.


A boulder field with the boulders covered in vibrant green mosses.


Marsupial lawn alongside the track.

 Looking at the fungi.

An old farm building that has been further damaged by a fallen tree since our last walk here.

After lunch we return to the cars.

Thanks to Greg for spotting this very small very bright blue fungi.

Nearly back to the cars.


There were 11 walkers who covered the 12 kms in 4 hours with a couple of short deviations to inspect the watercourses for waterfalls.

Everyone enjoyed the walk especially as the rain held of until we had finished.

Thanks to Chris for his photos.

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