Today's forecast is for temperature in the low 20's and mostly sunny with only a slight breeze - perfect weather for walking.
Last minute preparations
The actual start is from Rheban Road just above Stapleton Beach where Mendelt takes the opportunity to discuss todays route.
We make our way down to the beach - almost immediately we follow the track which runs parallel to the coastline.
Inviting blue water - anyone fancy a swim?
Large parasite growing in tree
Looking east towards Maria Island
A northerly direction shows Shouten Island and Freycinet Peninsular in the distance
Spectacular views from the cliffs
Is this tree giving us the bird?
A good spot for viewing the scenery
A passerby took this photo of all 13 walkers
Spring Beach
We leave the beach and head towards the quarry
Descending into the quarry
A good place for lunch
Exploring the quarry face
Sandstone blocks were loaded for shipping from this point
We leave the quarry and continue in a northerly direction along the coast
Natures artwork on the tree - remarkable colouring
Getting close to Shelly beach the big rock is quite a feature
Mendelt explaining that we are possibly looking at part of the tracks for the old tramway used to carry sandstone from the quarry to Orford for shipping
Admiring the shed which looks a bit like an old gypsy caravan
Walking along Shelly Beach
A bit further along the beach we see some more of natures work - the colours and shapes of the rocks are amazing
Continuing towards Orford
All good walks end with a coffee
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