Saturday 2 November 2019

Handsome Caves 2019

This walk takes us back to Handsome Caves, near Magra, a walk we also did last year. That time we explored and had lunch above the caves, this time Bob wants to follow the road we found back then. More later.

We park in an old road quarry on Back River Road, and set off for the track leading up to the caves.

Looking back, we head the other way

We turn off here

The road continues and is on private property, but the owners allow walkers access to the route. I assume the road was originally built for logging and it's not been kept in good repair.

Good road for walking

After a while it becomes more of a track than a road.

On we go, passing high stone cliffs on our left, and soon getting a glimpse of the caves.

Rock cliff on our left

A glimpse of our first destination
 The caves are sandstone caves and are quite interesting as you will see.

 We're starting to gain altitude and views are beginning to appear behind us.

Distant view
It's not long before we leave the original track to make our way up the steep slope to the caves. The caves are created by rainwater dissolving sandstone cliffs.

It becomes a bit of a scramble now

Now you can see what water seepage has done

Some of the group dump their packs and follow Bob on a scramble around to another part of the cliff.

A welcome hand

As you can see, the weather's not bad
 The photos below show some of the detail of these natural art works.

 While we walk along the caves, birds behind us are complaining about our presence. The reason being that all this erosion provides nesting space for the birds. They like tunnels and some can go back a metre or so.

You can pick the nesting holes

The pardalote is native to Australia and probably responsible for this. Lots of noise in the gum trees behind us, but I didn't spot any individual. They are quite small birds anyway.

Bob is taking us up the side of the caves to the road on top which we'll explore by turning to the right.

It's a nice little climb up through the bush.

We want to climb up there

Almost hidden in the bracken

It's scrubby, with a very loose walking surface

We went in that direction last time

Still climbing
The effort caused one of our group to hallucinate and see the rock formation below as a giant teapot.

Giant teapot?

Almost there

This is Bob's road and we turn right
It continues along with fairly flat walking.

There's more above us

On the way, we pass a couple of typical bush art installations. 

You've got to love people.

On we go, there are various roads back into the bush and we have a look at a couple, but don't follow too far.

Just a quick look at someone's dream

A gate with some old ruins behind (and rubbish)

Back on the main track
If we continue to follow this road it will wind down and around and take us back to where we're parked. However, this is all private property. We come out of the bush to cleared paddocks and something of a view.

You can just see the cab of a green tractor in the middle
The farmer is out working his paddocks along with his cattle dog. He's a young blond man with a full beard and Bob has a chat with him. The farmer doesn't want us to continue as it's his property, which is fine with us. I have a look around at his work environment, beats the city all to hell!

The farmer's working view

If you look carefully at the horizon... find snow

We turn around to walk back and find a spot for lunch. The sun is out, there are plenty of comfortable rocks and stumps to be had, so we take lunch beside the road.

 Lunch finished we continue on, turning downhill at a marker cairn.

Heading back

Turning off the track gives us a steep, loose descent. But there are plenty of small trees and shrubs to grab.


Soon we begin to pass the caves, continuing on to find the old washed out road.

Passing the caves

Last view

Back on the old logging track

A couple of obstacles...

...and one last view...

...bring us back to the old washed out track

We had 15 walkers and covered 9.16km in 4:27hrs. Total ascent was 952 metres.

It was a great walk and Bob took us onto some new territory on a beautiful day.

Click here to download GPX file

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